Comics Buyer’s Guide, Issue #795 – Special Turtles Issue – Back In Stock!!!


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published by Krause Publications, February 10, 1989 – 104 pages – we only have a very few of these.

From Kevins personal collection.

Comics Buyer’s Guide (CBG)), established in 1971, was the longest-running English-language periodical  reporting on the American comicbook industry. It awarded its annual Comics Buyer’s Guide Fan Awards from 1982 to circa 2010. The publication ceased with the March 2013 issue.

Issue 795 was a SPECIAL TURTLES issue and included in depth interviews with the Mirage artists and staff, tons of behind the scenes photos inside Mirage Studios Northampton, MA headquarters, an identification and pricing guide and speculation on what the future held then for the TMNT.

This is a really fun read and great look back at the history of the TMNT and the industry and fan take on them in 1989. This makes an AWESOME addition to any collection by highlighting and documenting the creators and their creation early in their careers.


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