You are currently viewing Shredder In Hell – Fan Club Variant in stock now!

Shredder In Hell – Fan Club Variant in stock now!

The SHREDDER IN HELL FAN CLUB VARIANT IS IN STOCK NOW!!!!!!!! – Signed and unsigned copies are available. Remember – you have to be a Fan Club Member for these. Just a couple more AWESOME reasons to join the club.

Kevins STUNNING art requires a wraparound cover for this Team Eastman Fan Club/Comics and Ponies exclusive. This insanely frenetically colorful chaos cover is ALL Kevin.

This book is signed on the cover by Kevin in silver ink.  Unsigned copies are available too!

Wraparound Cover – K. Eastman

“Shredder in Hell might be a bit intense for kids, but for those of us that grew up with the Turtles this is a must-read. If the first issue is an indication of where the rest of the series is headed, we’re all in for a real treat.:


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