This Saturday – Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 26, and get your tickets as soon as possible! Comic-Con’s free event in San Diego, SAM: Storytelling Across Media, is almost here, and we wanted to share all the amazing programming we have in store for attendees.
I am honored to be a part of this symposium on Saturday October 26 at the Comic-Con Museum in San Diego and hope you’ll join me then.
2:15–3:15 Spotlight on Kevin Eastman—Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, has been drawing and writing Turtles since 1984. Kevin has “dabbled” in all things storytelling from animation in both TV and film, comic books, movies, and successful toy lines! He is also the creator of several other projects, publisher of Heavy Metal magazine, and spearheads a wildly popular fan club. Kevin Eastman will discuss all things storytelling along with his newest projects: Drawing Blood and the Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls.
The Theater, Comic-Con Museum