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A Letter from Team Eastman – 2020 Schedule

From all of us here at Kevin Eastman Studios to all our Dear Friends around the world…

We hope this message finds you and your loved ones as safe as possible during this international crisis and our thoughts and heartfelt well wishes continue to be with you all. On our end we are happy to report that our Team and families remain healthy – we thank you for all your notes of concern and kind words.

Several of our previously scheduled 2020 convention appearances have been cancelled and some postponed until the fall. At this time we have made the very, difficult decision that we will be cancelling our appearances at shows until at least August. This was an enormously difficult decision for us to make as we LOVE seeing you all at the shows and interacting, hearing your stories and taking photos and video shoutouts to friends and family. However, for both our own families health and safety and yours we will not be attending any shows in May, June or July.

We will continue to assess the situation moving forward and while some shows have rescheduled for much later in 2020 their new schedules may conflict with ours.

We have recently signed onto the Cameo program where Kevin is busy recording video shout outs to friends and family. It’s not the same as seeing you in person but they have been wicked fun so far.

Additionally we will be scheduling more facebook LIVE events from the Turtle Lounge – aka the home studio and Kevin is participating in several online conventions and other appearances.

Upcoming dates include this evening on YouTube with another episode of Two Pals Chat, May 2 for a panel at AltFCD with the Drawing Blood crew and on May 5 a facebook LIVE with a couple of really fun celebrity guests and Kevin drawing while emceeing the show. We have updated the 2020 Schedule page on the website to reflect these and will continue to add new online appearances as they are scheduled.

Keep an eye on social media for many more listings too and wherever possible we’ll archive these for viewing afterwards.

We’ll be posting more FREE digital downloads around Free Comic Book Day and on other random occasions.

We remain open for business via our website and are shipping twice weekly.

We look forward to the time when we can see each other again in person and share in the AWESOME Comic community we all love.

We appreciate you all so very much, keep in touch, but most of all, please, please, please, stay safe out there!


Kevin and all at Team Eastman

Please stay in touch on Facebook, Twitter,  instagram

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