It was a Monday in 1984 when “We Got The Books” – yup 38 Years Ago Today, April 16, 1984 the printer delivered the very first copies of our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to our “studio” Memorialized in these very grainy old photos and on my handmade publishing calendar AND check out these Mirage Studios business cards for Executive Art Directors/ Kevin B. Eastman and Peter A. Laird 

Thank you! thank you! for all the AWESOME support these past 38 years. We are truly lucky to have the BEST fans in the world. COWABUNGA!
As one of your oldest fans it was great to see you again at the Lexington KY con. I have several of your autographed prints framed on my walls. I only wish I could say I have everything you ever produced. Your dedication to the art and loyalty to the whole TMNT world could never reward you enough. My biggest regret is that I never got to be able to call you my friend. I wish you could keep going another 38 years!
Wow Chaz, thank you! thank you! for the super kind words and ongoing fantastic support. Glad you made it to the Lexington show friend.
cheers K and Team Eastman